Honour the Dead but Fight Like Hell for the Living

A welcome space for Territory Veterans
Prior to 17 April 2005, VVAA NT Rural Sub Branch held meetings at the Howard Springs Reserve.
On 21 September 2006, after much hard work by our Vet Shed Sub Committee, Tony Berryman, Mick Markham, and Peter Mansell, we received notification of Crown Lease Registration to VVAA NT Rural Sub Branch of 135 Bees Creek Road.
This is the first time in the history of VVAA (NT) that the Association has had its own premises.
Many names had been thrown around prior to the transfer of registration, but at the VVAA NT Rural Sub Branch meeting on 19 November, members voted to name our recently acquired premises ‘Reg Hillier House’.
Reg Hillier was the only Territorian killed in Vietnam. There is a plaque on the Darwin Cenotaph in honour of Reg as well as a Park in Palmerston named after him.
Mr. Neil Bond, Reg’s nephew kindly unveiled the Opening Plaque on 17th August 2008.


Reginal H. Hillier, 26
Born in Coonabarabran, NSW, Reg was a stockman in the NT before he enlisted in October 1961. He deployed to Vietnam with the first of the Australian troops as a section commander with B Company 1RAR in June 1965.
Reg was killed in action at Vo Dat, Binh Tuy Province, on November 29, 1965.
The South Vietnamese Government awarded him a Military Merit Medal and a Gallantry Cross with Palm describing him as a courageous combatant.
A "lovable larrikin", Corporal Reginald Hedley Hillier's remains were returned to Australia in 2016 as part of the “Bring them Home” campaign led by our President Bob Shewring OAM. He was laid to rest at Adelaide River War Cemetery as reported in the NT News June 12th, 2016.
We are a not-for-profit organisation representing the Veteran community
of the Northern Territory
Our core values are to:
promote veteran's and family's health and well-being
provide compensation and welfare Advocates who work in the Community of Practise
represent Territory veterans at the NT Government level
support local schools and other community groups
We conduct regular monthly meetings at Reg Hillier House where issues important to Veterans, serving & ex-serving members of the ADF, and their families are discussed. Normally every third Sunday at 1030 hrs sharp, (Check the Events Calendar below for dates and times).
We also have BBQ/ Firepit Saturdays get-togethers to invite friends and family to have an afternoon out and a bit of a yarn with fellow vets. (Check the Events Calendar below for dates, TBA).
We welcome veteran visitors from interstate to all of our meetings and events.
Initially, the VVAA (Vietnam Veterans) NT Rural Sub Branch, was incorporated in 2001, our priority was to provide support and assistance to the Vietnam veteran community.
Over the course of time, we recognised the need to assist younger veterans and their families and changed the VVAA NT Sub-Branch constitution to allow membership to all veterans.
As a reflection of this, members felt that a name change would reflect the nature of our membership, so in late 2017 we became Veterans Australia NT.
The history of beginning as a Vietnam veterans group will always be valued and remembered.
Accredited advocates authorised under Veterans Australia NT work in the Military Advocacy Services NT Community of Practice which provides compensation and well-being advocacy assistance to all veterans.
Contact the Team Leader Sue McCallum smatdp@veteransaustraliant.org.au
Please do not hesitate to contact the Committee if you have any queries about veterans issues. sec@veteransaustraliant.org.au
We hold a variety of events and meet-ups at Reg Hillier House, browse our calendar to keep up with what's on.
This is the story of Cpl Reginald (Reg) Hillier MiD.
The only Northern Territory Vietnam Veteran to be killed during the Vietnam War.
The story documents with photos of his early childhood, his schooling, his employment, joining the Army, Vietnam, his death, his burial in a foreign grave, attempts to get his body returned home, Operation "Bring Them Home", Repatriation, home finally after fifty years, his reinternment at Adelaide River War Cemetery in the Northern Territory.
This book is for sale at only $30.00 plus postage and all monies go to support Veterans and their families in the NT.
To purchase please contact:

135 Bees Creek Road (Freds Pass Road), Bees Creek, NT
PO Box 1861, Humpty Doo, NT 0836
Email: sec@veteransaustraliant.org.au